Sometimes in life…we reach a point where we feel things are moving fast…very fast. We see people getting successful, some getting married while you are just on the edge of being still. You are not moving…maybe your past is chaining you and pulling you back or the fear of future is too big to move ahead. We all go through a point when we ask ourselves….is that it? Are we going to be lonely and still forever? We fear we might get lost in the crowd, our friends might go, we will be the unknown at a party or a social media platform. We lose momentum, we lose confidence…..we even lose the sight of who we are. At that moment of time, we become vulnerable to making wrong or big devastating decisions. But what is necessary and very difficult is to wait…. To think that it might be the calm before the storm, where everything is still……everything is moving in other direction and THE STORM IS ABOUT TO STRIKE. But when that storm passes by everything changes, new places are crea...