
Showing posts from February, 2017

Don’t Preach, Reach

Life is beautiful for some and not so beautiful for others. Everyone has a different view of it. Those who see beauty in life are the ones who cherish each moment of it despite of its oddities. While some may not be able to see beyond the negativity of it and hence, unable to see its beauty. In life you may fall in any of the two above categories or you may shift yourself from one to another over a period of time. At times we fight hard to keep the positives alive, while at times the circumstances overpower us and cloud our thinking. The best part of human life is; that we are capable of sharing our feelings and emotions with others. We have people around us to share our sorrows and double our happiness.  But, at times we fall prey to self-loathing and inferiority complex. We may avoid sharing our feelings with the fear of being mocked or judged upon. We may consider ourselves as a misfit to our society or feel as a failure.  These feelings lead to many consequen...