Jack of all trades is a master of none

Since my childhood; I heard this phrase a lot. At school, I was asked to master a subject, at home I was asked to concentrate at one thing at a time and now at work I am asked to excel in my particular department.
People always implied that; if; I am involved in learning or doing a lot of stuff together, I may end up being imperfect / unfit for a specific thing.
Though, I agreed to it up to certain extent; I never fully accepted it.
While, Master brings experience and knowledge with him; Jack brings in a 360 degree look and perspective. While master is required for guiding and showing path; Jacks are required to create new ones to follow on. While master has the privilege of being right; Jack has a privilege of making mistakes.
Many people aim at being a master, but I aim at being a Jack of all trades…my reasons being simple, my inquisitive mind loves to learn; my confused being is unable to decide a path; my changing society poses a lot of new sets of problems to me and it requires constant learning and re-learning and lastly, I fear being perfect.
So, I leave it up to you to decide for yourself; whether to be a master or a juggler. No one can define your limit, your passion or your achievement….you are to term yourself and define your position in life.
Be happy to say what you aim to become; because master or  not you are a universe in yourself, explore, understand, make mistakes, create and unleash the POWER WITHIN.


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